News Post


We would like to address a concern related to the introduction of the new automatic suspensions applied when hacking tools are detected (see patch notes, point 12: 

It is important to note that apps that remove advertisements or that allow the free use of paid apps are classified as illegal programs because they enable apps to bypass normal functions.

Even if these apps are not used for gaming-related purposes, they may still be detected as illegal programs. We regret to announce that we are unable to make exceptions for Guardian Tales based on this risk.

Depending on the tampering app, it’s possible it might be detected by simply installing the app without activating it. 

Therefore, if you’re not using any illegal programs targeting your game, but are still receiving a message about abnormal access being detected, you may want to uninstall any tampering apps, including those that remove ads or that allow you to use paid apps for free, etc.

Since we’re aware of the concern regarding emulators, we would like to clarify that emulators are not detected as illegal programs. 

However, since emulators are not officially supported, it is still possible that issues within the emulator or its settings may trigger a detection.

Please note that if illegal programs or abnormal play is confirmed, restrictions may be imposed on the account in question.

Update Dec 13, 2023

Please Note that Guardian Tales no longer supports Amazon Fire Tables. Running Guardian Tales on a Fire Tablet may trigger the automated cheat detection system, which will cause sanctions against the account accessed with the device.

Please also note that Guardian Tales won't be able to run without Google Play, which means that the game will not run on certain Huawei devices. For more information, please check this article