News Post


Greetings Guardians!

We come to you today with the Roadmap for the first quarter of 2023 to continue announcing important development plans and updates.


2023 Q1 Roadmap


STEP 1 Farm Content Update 

STEP 2 Friends

STEP 3 Advanced Difficulty Added to Co-op / Defense Mode


STEP 4 New Rare Hero Ascension 

STEP 5 3rd District added to Expedition


STEP 6 World 16 Open


Death Match, Farm

✶ Keep in mind that the following content are rough drafts; content names, details, and images can be changed in the actual update. Also, the dates (months) mentioned are for the Korean server and global release dates may differ. Be sure to check out official announcements and patch notes for details later on.


  • New fish that can be caught via Fishing will be added.
  • Advanced tier of new fishing rod and baits will be added.
  • There will be a special reward that can be claimed at a low probability under a certain condition.



  • You can invite your friends to play together in Co-op, Defense Mode, and Friendly Matches.
  • You can visit your friend's farm and take a look around.




  • New advanced difficulty above Challenger difficulty will be added to Co-op and Defense mode.
  • This new difficulty will present harder gimmicks to solve and require a high level of team play. 
  • As it's set with the highest difficulty, it's meant to be tackled by the most-trained and experienced guardians.
  • Please note there are no additional rewards offered for this difficulty level as it's meant for only the few who are willing to take the challenge.




  • Rare Hero Ascension will be available for Karina, Fei, and Mei.
  • Heavenhold Novel to experience Karina's ascension story will be added.




  • The third area, Mt. Shivering, will be added.
  • New district will be added.
  • New bosses and monsters will be added.
  • Records and stories following the Expedition of the new area will be added.



  • Currently the World 16 is in development.
  • We will endeavor to provide quality story content for our guardians.


We want to share with you the contents currently under research and development.

  • Death Match: Bush
    • This will be a special terrain where heroes can hide in.
    • We are currently testing and researching in various angles to see if adding such new terrain would bring more enjoyable experience in actual gameplay.
  • Death Match: Report Function
    • Although we are continuously fortifying our auto-detection of ill-mannered conduct and foul play, we are aware that it is still lacking.
    • In order to strengthen this, we are reviewing an addition of a feature that will allow players to foul gameplay or actions that could cause discomfort to others.
  • Farm
    • We are continually preparing for new objects which can be applied for Farm and the aquarium.
    • Such as the addition of Fishing, we are exploring expansion of Farm content which will allow you to enjoy the content together with other guardians.


In 2022 we shared roadmap posts for the first and second half of the year but many of the development plans had to be adjusted along the way.

In order to better provide more accurate updates, we will aim to provide roadmap posts on quartely basis for the year 2023.

We will continue to communicate more often with all of you and work hard to carry out the content developments to meet the promised timeline.


Thank you!