News Post


Greetings Guardians, 


We wanted to update you that the "Friends" content scheduled to be available this month, as announced back on the 2022 Second Half Roadmap, has been postponed.

We are deeply sorry that we have to present you with a content delay announcement, even though many of you have been waiting patiently for the new content with much interest and anticipation. 

We want to announce the new date of addition and content development plans. 




[Previously] December, 2022 → [Now]  January, 2023

✶ Keep in mind that the dates (months) mentioned are for the Korean server and global release dates may differ. Be sure to check out official announcements and patch notes for details later on!

The current Friend system in development will already include the functions that allow you to conveniently invite your friends, manage them, and invite them to multiplayer contents.

In addition, the function that allows you to visit other Guardians' Farms is in development.

However, we have discovered that this function would require a complete rework of the existing implementation code for Farm. We regret to say, this is the reason for the content postponement.

We apologize once again for not keeping to the promised schedule of content development, and we have prepared the following compensation for the delay:

[Compensation for Schedule Update] 

  • Reward: Gems x3,000
  • Claimable Period: 

Until 12/31 14:59 UTC

Until 12/31 15:59 CEST

Until 12/31 06:59 PDT


We know this may not be enough to alleviate your disappointment. 

But we promise to prepare more worthwhile content that will meet your expectations. 

Thank you,

Guardian Tales Team